Islands ahead

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Sat 7 May 2011 04:58
Saturday, 07.05.2011, 04:50 UTC (00:50 local), 18:14N 64:13W
Weâre close to the virgin islands now and will soon tack WSW to line up for the passage between US and Spanish Virgin Islands. The easterly wind forced us on a slight upwards angle, on which the boat rolls less. While Liz prepared dinner at nine, Axel dropped the main sail. Since then weâre underway with the genua in 10kn of wind at 5kn of speed. All the great food (Spaghetti! Winking smile) ) and sail-handling action tired our captain down and he retired into the bunk for a while. And now ... changing of the guard ^^^^watch. Tromtatomtatatom.