Three weeks at sea

Gudrun V
Axel Busch
Sun 6 May 2012 17:51
SOG 5, Wind 10kn E, sunny but leaning towards muggy
Three weeks (and four hours) ago we left Isla Santa Cruz. As is customary we
had a very fast start, with up to 196nm per day, and now a very slow finish
(slowest was just under 60nm). We've gotten used to that, it was the same on
all passages so far. Now it's only 310nm to go. Usually a trip of two days,
but in this wind more likely three, so we're planning with landfall on
Wednesday. We're very excited about what it will be like in French
Yesterday I've learned that two friends of mine, Joachim and Rosi, are going
on a cruise around French Polynesia this month. I very much hope to meet
them, and from there itinerary it looks like Nuku Hiva might be possible.
Last time we met on the Kilimanjaro, wouldn't it be just awesome to meet on
one of the remotest islands?
It looks like it's going to be another very hot day today, fortunately with
a little more wind. Yesterday it was so calm that we had to start the
engine. But then it got so hot that we quickly turned it off again after a
few hours. The heat from both the sun and the engine was unbearable.
Fortunately the wind had picked up again just enough to fly the Parasailor,
and we sailed with around 3kn most of the day.
The positive side of going so slow is that it's very comfortable. Not much
movement on the boat, almost like at anchor. So you get more out of the day,
instead of just holding on or lying down. Then in the evening we experienced
the most spectacular sunset ever. Deep blue sea, dramatic clouds, the sky in
all shades from deep purple above to a bright red on the horizon. And at the
same time the full moon rose just behind us, not as dramatic, but very
majestetic. We stood in the cockpit for almost two hours, and turned from
west to east and back to west and couldn't get enough of it.