Time to Say Goodbye

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sun 25 Jan 2015 22:18
It is amazing how much needs to done before we leave.  Washing the dinghy to get off all the sand, accumulated over the weeks, drying it and packing it away (between belts of rain), chasing a water leak so that we can get Ulrich to repair it and indeed writing the “list of things that need to be done by DSL” to keep Windy in good shape (including polishing out a scratch down the side, fenders too high on entry!).  Eating a lunch of everything that is left in the fridge, sorting out food that needs to go to the office to be distributed to Ulrich’s staff and reluctantly chucking the rest (it seems such a waste).  Cleaning everything in sight, including the bilges, so that nothing can fester.  Packing everything that needs to go home with us, I packed the batteries right at the bottom of a case only to find some time later that Bob needed them for the bag weigher, I was not amused. We are exhausted and our nails are all brittle from the potent potions used!  The end of the day has come and we have collapsed on deck and idly watched Judy and Ian come in, this time cunningly disguising themselves by changing their skin colour. Clever! 
So we are off tomorrow so this will be the last blog.  We’ve had a really fantastic holiday but, as they say, all good things must come to an end.