17:38N 060:56W

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Tue 3 Jan 2012 16:07
Bob is smiling, if not a bit smug. Gerry has just got on with the job
with the two way catheter in place. A quiet and consistent murmur meets each
bout of activity. In revenge for kyboshing every attempt at opting out he
has taken to drinking heavily but we have an abundance of oil on board to keep
him in high spirits.
As we near Antigua we are having to time our gybes “just right” to hit the
target. We had another go at sailing downwind yesterday but the sea is too
lumpy and the rolling unacceptable for what is meant to be a pleasurable
leisurely experience. Haley and Fleur put in a gybe at 3am which should
now take us straight in.
Cook has a favourite tack and a distinctly un-favourite tack. When on
the un-favourite tack, cooking requires wedging your heels in to the wall,
bending over double, juggling with everything that flies out of the cupboards
and off the counter top while dodging the burning oven door which has gimballed
itself out defensively. On the other hand, this same tack means that cook
gets a better time in bed. Instead of being flung against the sharp edge
of the bedside table with a lee cloth bulging with Bob looming over me I get to
lean against the squashy, forgiving canvas and intrude hugely into Bob’s
territory. Life on a boat is fascinating!
We are bouncing along at a great pace under the classic trade wind and
thoroughly enjoying the perfect sailing conditions. Ample wind, 2 and a
half to 3 metre virtually following sea and a blue sky with beaming sun and
fluffy clouds. Flocks of flying fish keep us entertained. This is
what it is all about. But the big question on everyone’s lips is: will we reach
Antigua in daylight?