12:32N 061:23W Petit St Vincent

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Wed 23 May 2012 15:38
We like Bequia. There is something very chilled out about it so we
pottered in to do Customs (5 immaculately dressed officials aligned behind their
desks looking bored out of their minds, filled in endless forms and carted them
round from Customs to Immigration, all of two steps to the next window).
It was air conditioned so quite a pleasant half hour. We pottered about, popped
into the well stocked chandlers and the less well stocked supermarket where we
bought a couple more rounds of Hairoun beer. For the rest of the day we
hunkered down in the saloon while the rain did its thing and then popped over to
Gingerbread for a curry in the evening, equipped with rain jackets which make
very good splash shields in the dinghy, where I was hauled on to the dinghy dock
by a not quite all there Clive who deserved a few Ecs just for the haulage
We left at 0830 (yes, I did say left at 0830) and headed for Mustique but
the wind was right on our nose so we changed our minds, so easily done with so
many islands to choose from, and headed instead for Petit St Vincent which we
had visited years ago and had a brilliant sail down the Atlantic side of Tobago
Cays (missing the Worlds End reef by a mile). I won’t of course mention
Bob tying on the jibe preventer and falling back into the cockpit like a sack of
spuds because that would hurt his feelings.
Petit St Vincent is as idyllic as we remembered and has had improvements in
the way of a beach bar and restaurant. We arrived on movie night so sipped
our Planters Punch on the beach while contentedly watching Trading Places (that
old chestnut) before a delicious dinner (I had prawn and scallop ceviche
followed by lobster pizza, Bob had smoked salmon and potato salad followed by
guava glazed ribs. Mmmm.) We ate at a table carved out of a tree
trunk where the only downside was the number of inlets where you could very
easily lose your drink.
Our evening was marred by our return journey when the outboard cut out
requiring Bob to row like a whirling dervish against the current and wind to get
back to Windy. We both thought he was going to have a heart attack and I
was soaked, sanded and salted through.
More heavy rain in the night but after a bit of passage planning this
morning we are heading off to Mustique via Canouan – maybe, maybe
not. |