48:15:43N 003:52:07W
Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Thu 9 Jun 2011 09:36
The crew arrived with spot on timing. Stuart, who we had met before,
and the unknown Haley who turned out to be a petite young thing who immediately
made a mark with her ability and maturity. We left Plymouth with a
flourish as the wind had got up and Windy didn’t want to play going out of the
dock backwards giving Stuart a first day challenge to show off his skills.
We left in one piece and headed out leaving just yards from the Mayflower
It then became most interesting. The flighty wind (4, 5 and then 6)
was coming from exactly where we wanted to go. The sea was rushing about
like a mad thing in all directions, Windy pushed along stoically nodding like a
donkey while those of us on the inside were rattled around like dice in a
shaker. Just getting dressed was a bit of a gamble and Bob trying to put
on his jacket was flung right across the cabin. I was the winner of the
first chunder challenge but managed to get supper served up first (but only
This uncomfortable ride continued overnight and well into the next day
until we got out of the English Channel. At least off Ouessant the sea
became nice and steady ocean waves with a much smoother ride and therefore a
much steadier night for the crew. The only excitement of the evening was
Bob getting stuck in the loo when both doors jammed and the cupboard door flying
off and whacking him in the face.
We woke up this morning in the Bay of Biscay to a sea as calm as calm could
be and a measily 6 knots of wind. Crossing The Shelf was totally
uneventful after a big build up but sometimes lack of excitement can be
Stuart had seen the first dolphins on his watch but they decided not to
stay and play. Perhaps Stuart should shave.
It is so calm now that we have decided to motor on rather than just
flounder. Talk about sublime to the ridiculous.