Marigot Bay third day

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sat 12 Jan 2013 22:56
The fish fry evening was superb. A whole street was closed off, loads
of stalls were selling the most amazing array of fish, flavoured rums and beer,
all accompanied by a booming sound system. Francesca and Bozo tried the
sugar cane flavoured rum, I tried “the original”, sensibly Bob declined.
Fortunately no-one lit a match near us. Yes, I did mention Bozo the taxi
driver who thought that his duties included sticking by us through thick and
thin and letting us try his octopus soup that he had spiced up with some very
hot sauce. A couple from Cheshire who we chatted to mistook him for Fran’s
boyfriend. We tried giant sized whelks as big as tennis balls,
stuffed crabs, fried fish that looked like sardines, succulent barbequed lambi
(conch) with a fierce garlic sauce, Johnny cakes and fish cakes that were more
like fritters. All very tasty indeed.
We had a lie in this morning, to recover from the excess of rum, and Fran
staked herself out on the sun deck to catch a last few rays. We then
dinghied over to the marina, had a browse in the shops with prices definitely
targeted at the very big gin palaces parked just outside and then headed off for
lunch at Hurricane Hole. We had just placed our order and started tucking
in to our Piton draught beer when Bozo the super keen taxi driver appeared and
decided to join us, we were all far too British stiff upper lipped to tell him
to sling his hook.
We returned to the boat, without Bozo fortunately, and Fran and I had a
last swim. We went over to investigate a yacht that had sunk, on a mooring
buoy and left in place as a a memorial to its late owner. We then headed
over to the beach where I was required to heave myself athletically on to the
ferry dock, a move executed with great willingness on my behalf but ended up
with me once again sprawled in stranded whale position on the pier. We
strolled around the beach, leaving our flippers and snorkels with the ferrymen,
looked in the shops and admired some gorgeous solemn faced babies finding at
least two further potential boyfriends for Fran who volunteered to provide me
with grandchildren. All offers were declined graciously. We popped back
the way we had come, fitting in a Mamma Mia flipper dance on the ferry dock
before splashing back to Windy.
Far too soon, 5pm came and it was time for Fran to leave. Bozo
came and picked her up and whisked her away, hopefully to the airport. Bob
and I are feeling very sad and will miss her wonderful company after 4 weeks as
shipmates, she has been a star.