38:51:33N 009:39:40W

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Wed 15 Jun 2011 20:54
After an exceptionally good nights sleep rocked in our cradles we awoke to
a volley of explosions on the beach. Why? What for? Who
knows! They didn’t seem to be aimed at us so we watched the show while
munching on our cereal. We then headed ashore to explore Sao Martinho, not
that there was a great deal to see, but had a pleasant stroll along the beach
where the only people we met were a kindergarten class at work and can only
assume that the tourists discoing til the small hours were all still tucked up
in their beds. At least until the explosions which perhaps, in retrospect,
are the locals just teasing the tourists with hangovers.
Sao Martinho is a strange contrast of old and new with ruined
fortifications on the cliffs, an ancient tunnel for seeing what is heading round
the corner, a few dilapidated but still beautiful old houses and then a chirpy
row of hotels and cheap and cheerful market stalls for the tourists. The
place that we found the real Portuguese lurking was the proper market up the
hill where we topped up with fresh bread and tomatoes and learned to say
abragardo instead of gracias.
The wind has gradually built up over the day and HOORAY we have actually
been ‘proper’ sailing. The boys became over excited and just had to put up
the groovy, highly coloured cruising chute and we have been bowling along at 7
knots, entirely off course but heck we are SAILING. We do have to get
ourselves back on track before we hit the dual carriageway outside Lisbon as we
have to sneak through close to the shore to avoid all the big boys tanking their
way up and down the coast, although they are a great deal easier to see than the
eternal lobster pots that plague our progress. No wonder we aren’t seeing
any dolphins!
Haley has been in charge today and done all the passage planning.
Hopefully she has timed our departure from Sao Martinho and planned arrival at
Sines so we will once again arrive in time for dinner!