19:15N 053:55W

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sat 31 Dec 2011 17:30
Attempting by pass surgery in a 24 knot wind and 3 to 4 metre waves is not
to be recommended but Bob really had come to the end of all other possible
options. It involved an Apollo 13 moment when we were all scuttling around
trying to find “a tube of approximately yay diameter in plastic or metal” to
make the bypass possible. Searching through the First Aid kit, the kitchen
drawers and our cabins yielded a mascara lid and a biro casing.
Unfortunately the procedure just did not go very well and, rather than make
matters irretrievably worse and kill the patient, Bob decided to let things
rest. We will sort Gerry out in Antigua (if we get there!) and in the
meantime hope that the engine is sufficient to give us the minimum power that we
need (and that it doesn’t catch whatever Gerry has ailed from).
The weather yesterday and all of last night remained cloudy with
intermittent downpours. We spent most of the day hunkered below laughing
at whoever happened to be getting drenched on watch. (The crew were really
glad to have their sou'westers and very good they look too, so thank you
Elizabeth and Rory!) The waves have become really quite large but are very
gentlemanly so don’t cause too much in the way of problems or perhaps we are
simply getting used to being shaken, rattled and rolled.
We are making good progress but still have 454 miles to go. We are
definitely not going to reach Antigua for Haley’s birthday.