12:02N 061:45W St George, Grenada

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sun 19 May 2013 22:45
Our pyjama party was very relaxing although we had to turn Adele up very
loud indeed to compete with a karaoke night that screeched its way to us from
onshore. The singers of Hillsborough were really really bad but patently
did not realise.
It transpires that the navigator really does need to go on a refresher
course. It took at least a full ten minutes to work out during passage planning
why, most confusingly, there were two Caille Islands on the map. The inserted
plan did look very much part of the whole chart to me, it really did. Doh
This morning we sailed down from Carriacou to Grenada leaving Hillsborough
just as the arrogant American from yesterday took off over our heads in the
Cessna 430 (or some other detailed model number) that he flies for “someone very
important”. We jeered him on his way.
It was an odd sort of sail today, gentle breezes of around 11 to 15 knots
requiring the full mainsail out to make steady progress interspersed with gusts
of up to 23 that had WIndy veering to port into the wind and the auto pilot
shrieking in panic. As we were trying very hard to avoid the exclusion
zone around the active volcano in our path, just to port, this was particularly
inconvenient and also meant that Bob had to bob up and down to let in, out, in
out shake it all about the main sheet. It should have been an easy sail
but ended up less than relaxing although Bob enjoyed lunch, his favourite
“Waldorf slaw”.
We anchored tidily and companionably outside St George’s and with beer in
hand have decided on our itinerary for the next few days, sort of, Bob can be
hard to tie down. Bob is sitting with added fetching red spots from head
to toe, the ones on his clothes from an over enthusiastic addition of oil to the
dinghy fuel container and a gust of wind, and the ones on his legs an
accumulated collection of irritating insect bites of unknown source.
Hopefully we are sufficiently offshore to avoid any further stealthy mossie
attacks tonight.