13:51N 061:04W Soufriere

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Fri 18 May 2012 22:56
After a day getting our act together, doing the laundry and getting
absolutely drenched again on the return dinghy trip form the supermarket, we set
off for our southern trip this morning.
The Pitons that symbolise Saint Lucia are a lot bigger than we were
expecting and are of most impressive size. All the yachts moored around
about Soufriere Bay look pretty meagre in the shadow of the Petit Piton let
alone the Gros Piton. It is a lovely spot.
We had a good sail down from Rodney Bay with alternating lulls of 10 and
gusts reaching 28. We were too busy relaxing in the sunshine to fiddle
about too much with the sails so were whizzing along for a few minutes all leant
over and then fell back to doddling along.
Because you can only moor here, no anchoring permitted, there was a bit of
a musical chairs to see who could get the few balls by the Bat Cave. We
had the advantage of a pair of boat boys who nipped ahead and bagged one and the
French catamaran that was a good nose ahead dejectedly slunk away to the other
side of the bay. It cost us a fiver (ECs so worth just over a quid) but it was
well worth it for an absolute poll position.
We pottered ashore and had to face a cacophony of boys fighting over who
would look after the dinghy. We cunningly said we’d pay up on our return
and handed over another fiver to one of the boys to share, he promptly legged it
but then the boy with puppy dog eyes convinced Bob to pay up twice.
I had a wee snorkel around the bat cave and saw loads of fishes including
the blue one that has an eye on its side. We’ve booked into a super looking
restaurant for tonight. Lets hope it is as good as it looks.