13:00N 061:15W Port Elizabeth Bequia

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Mon 21 May 2012 15:22
Tuna it was. No starter turned up even after the one hour wait for
food and then we got our tuna (not entirely matching the description on the
menu, no stuffed anything in sight) somewhat overcooked, difficult to pick out
the bones in the candlelight and accompanied by dry, puffed up local vegetables
that tasted of sponge, all served by a giant sized but monosyllabic Beni. Nice
location though.
We set off, released from our palm tree by a completely off his face Tyrone
with spliff on the go. Tyrone has stayed on St VIncent because he has
planted his vegetables on “my mountain”. The list of “vegetables” started
with ganga and ended with plantains and cassava.
We had a slow and genteel sail along St Vincent until we came out of the
lea and then met the rolly inter island ocean where the wind picks up and we
could scoot along with winds of 18 to 24. Nice. Popping into the
shelter of Admiralty Bay we were reduced to a mere puff. We had the same
difficulty parking that we had when we visited here before. The cruising
guide is misleading in that it misses out a whole long length of beach and we
ended up neatly parked by Princess Margaret Bay when we thought we were further
in. A scoot round in the dinghy got our bearings straight and gave us a
good ogle at all the other yachts. Its amazing how much time we can waste
in total contentment just staring at other people and their manoeuvrings.
We dined at Frangipani’s where they unfortunately had no tuna (oh how we
chuckled) but we had delicious crab cakes and beefy hamburgers which hit the
spot. Back on board (hooray for the guiding red light otherwise we would
never have found Windy) we decided to potter in and find Customs in the morning
and then slept like babies (apart from Bob’s strange dream where I made him and
Katie swim the channel from the Channel Islands as a fundraiser for RCT, my
endeavours are really getting to him!)