17:31N 028:47W

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Wed 21 Dec 2011 13:50
Oh what a beautiful morning after a restless night. The whiffle of
wind had the sails cracking and bobbling about noisily all night. Bob has
been reluctant to keep up the cruising chute at night because of tales of broken
things and dismastings in squalls that whoop down on you unexpectedly. In
consultation with the crew and the Health and Safety Officer (the person who has
nothing better to do than nag about life jackets apparently) we have agreed to
give it a go tonight with risk mitigation in place, namely “just let go of that
rope there if anything untoward happens”.
It hasn’t been the squalls that we have had to worry about whooping down
unexpectedly but fishing boats with no AIS to forewarn you of their
presence. We are, as a result of an embarrassingly close encounter, being
better shepherds keeping a watch at night.
We are settling into a gentle routine of lounging about in the fabulous
sunshine, reading, puzzles and watching DVDs. We have our own film club
discussions once we’ve watched each DVD with intelligent, intellectual scrutiny
of each. Our analysis ranges from the cerebral “What was that all about?”
to the critical “It was rubbish”.
Our magic fishing, with no lines and no bait, delivered another two flying
fish on the deck but we don’t like to eat them and restore them to the deep with
due solemnity.
Well only 4 more sleeps until Christmas. I better go and check that
the sprouts haven’t gone mouldy. |