Going for it

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sat 4 Jan 2014 22:46
The gin sharpened our minds and we decided that we would plump for taking
along young Matt as our insurance policy. He seems a nice boy and unlikely
to be a serial killer (we have watched Dead Calm, some time ago but it left an
indelible mark on the psyche). We emailed him offering him the role and
went out to dinner so that we wouldn’t obsessively keep checking emails and
using up sat phone minutes wastefully.
Our second restaurant choice proved lucky, the first one’s chef had had an
accident and wasn’t coming in, so we settled in next door to a nice wood and
bamboo environment and ate sensible sized portions of ribs coated with a tasty
bbq sauce (Bob) and fried fish (me), served with real vegetables cooked
gently enough to be still crisp all served by a lovely, efficient and smiley
waitress. We shared a slice of real, cheesecake, not the fluffy horrible
thing that masquerades as such, but the baked version. The spoons clashed
as we each sought our fair share. On our return we found a reply from Matt
and he is definitely up for it so we plotted and planned over a night cap.
Today has been mainly taken up with making plans with Matt, a number of
Bob’s 5 minute jobs, that actually take 5 hours, such as refitting the door to
Matt’s cabin so that he can close it, requiring the shaving off of an enormous
pile of wood shavings and Bob’s knuckles, as well as refitting the lock on
Matt’s loo so that he doesn’t end up locked in. (Fall back position is to
pass him a screwdriver through the small air vent. We do like to plan for
all eventualities). Clearing up the shavings that got everywhere
like hair clippings at the hairdressers, (and, not wishing to be indelicate,
copious amounts of Bob’s sweat), resulted in a bit of a domestic deep
clean. Then all the things that have taken occupation of the forward cabin
have been stowed away, the beer in the drinks cupboard, the empties crates
stashed in a cupboard, the Christmas tree popped away with the other Christmas
decos, the stacks of water under the floor board, my fur coat in the wet
locker. Beds have been made up (with the Peppa Pig the Pirate duvet cover
and pillow cases, I hope Matt will enjoy them) and lifejacket laid out.
After all this busyness we booked a restaurant (which became rather complicated
in a Caribbean sort of way, difficult to explain), booked the lovely Simeon for
a taxi tour tomorrow, (I think we have, we find it hard to understand his accent
which might be a bit of a problem as our island guide), booked Simeon to take us
to Cay Electronics to retrieve the auto pilot parts on Monday. Somewhere
in all that we fitted in some lunch (and a beer of course)and finally collapsed
to read Kindles, Bob promptly falling asleep with complete exhaustion and
probable dehydration.
In preparation, and in respect for the niceties of sharing a small space
with a complete stranger, some personal grooming has been included in the busy
schedule. I have, according to Bob, been defibrillating my legs!