23:09N 021:01W

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Tue 13 Dec 2011 12:14
Bob is still fretting about the generators reluctance to start but is
blaming it, most unfairly in my opinion, on the freezer. I am having to
stand up for the poor defenceless thing at the same time as preserving the
integrity of twenty remaining suppers and the Christmas chicken. I have to
keep checking that he hasn’t surreptitiously turned it off.
He was considerably cheered up this morning by a dolphin show on his
watch. We have seen very little in the way of wildlife although Haley and
Fleur were visited by a black and white bird with an orange crest (but
definitely not a penguin) who flew elegantly between the jib and the mast.
A few preoccupied dolphins pottered by yesterday but that has been all.
We seem to have wandered 58 miles off course during the night. This
is due to changing tack yesterday but staying on it too long partly because it
is on to the cooks preferred side and to give us a quieter ride. The waves
are much bigger today chasing up from behind and plunging through giving Wind
Charger a last good wiggle as they go. One in a hundred cheekily chucks
bucket loads of ocean at us so we are all huddled under the spray hood. I
am determinedly wearing shorts today but the others are in their longs an
swaddled in warm coats. When will it get to the appropriate temperature
for the Tropic of Cancer which we will be crossing any moment now?
PS I watched Black Swan last night. Can anyone explain what on earth
it is all about?