N14:30:18 W061:05:21 Grande Anse d'Arlet, Martinique
Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Mon 19 May 2014 22:35
What a lovely evening last night. G&T’s watching the sun
set. Candlelit dinner, Bob’s eclectic mix of music playing, finished off a
half bottle of wine beautifully chilled in the freezer, then started a second
bottle of wine that turned out to be rather sweet (but we didn’t really notice
by this time on top of the G&Ts and first half). We never got round to
We rose, surprisingly alert, and remembered to have breakfast before
setting out for our next Anse. We think that Anse might mean beach but
aren’t entirely sure but it is such fun to say it a lot with an exaggerated
accent on the A. The latest Anse (there managed to say it again) was
literally just around the corner. We had barely got the sails up in a
rather light wind on the quarter, got going at a rather casual and sultry 4.8
knots than we were turning in to Grande Anse and into the wind and down with the
sails. Our chosen spot at the sheltered end of the bay was chock a block
so we motored across, crossing the channel that is meant to be kept clear for
fishing boats but was studded with anchored French boats that looked pretty
permanent, to a minefield of mooring buoys at the other end with just a handful
of boats tethered with no tenders. We could very soon see why so few were
taken, it is extremely rolly.
After our arrival beer and lunch we buzzed over to the jetty at the
opposite end of the anse, they seem to have all the advantages that end, and
clambered on shore up a very steep ladder. This Anse is somewhat like the
last one. It is a really a daytime resort and has very little in the way
of character but a long beach peppered with a few sleepy sunbathers. The
major excitement of our visit was finding the poubelles so that we could get rid
of our rubbish and the port officials getting over excited when an unclaimed,
large dog deposited a boudin on the sand. After a gentle hike along the
beach, with only one muttered complaint regarding the sand, poking our noses in
to the various beach restaurants only to find that they were closed in the
evening we gave up and buzzed our way back to Windy. You may have guessed
the remains of the day. A bit of swimming (by me but the current was
rather scary and we were at the wrong end of the bay for any worthwhile
snorkelling) and a lot more noses in Kindles. As the sun sinks over the
yard arm, I hear the chink of ice in glasses in the offing, we have been royally
entertained by not one but two turtles solemnly swimming around the boat.
We are sure there are two because one is little and the other large. A
quite enchanting sight. Bet they haven’t got turtles at t’other end of the