32:58:11N 015:36:58W
Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Mon 20 Jun 2011 20:07
Well yesterday WAS Sunday so how better to celebrate than a roast chicken
with roast potatoes, bacon and the works. We were in such high spirits and
our plates were piled so high that we ate, for the first time underway, in the
saloon and cracked open a box of wine. Oh such a good day!
OK so there are good days and there are not so good days. The sun has
continued to shine, the wind has blown us along at a lovely steady 6 knots, the
sea heaves itself by, passing birds entertain us (including a swallow somewhat
out of its way we all thought) but all is not well in Windy world today.
It all started with the pressure cooker not popping up and basically ended in
tears. The tantalising Waitrose recipe of lamb with flageolet beans so
lovingly prepared ended up burnt on the bottom because the cooker decided not to
pressurise itself for some totally perverse and unknown reason. Although
Haley, Stuart and I managed to wade our way through this tainted offering, Bob’s
was fed to the dolphins. This culinary disaster meant that we all needed
something to take the horrible taste away. Stuart triumphantly appeared on
deck with Jamaican ginger cake. I thought it would go really well with
custard. The opened tin of custard was passed to Bob who proceeded to gash
his finger and bleed profusely all over the deck, the winch, himself and
me. A couple of plasters and a kiss better seemed to stem the flow but it
put the rest of us off our pudding. Cook is now persona non gratis.
Hopefully we will arrive in Porto Santo in the early hours of tomorrow and
be able to eat real food ashore. I might even consider doing the opposite
from the old chestnut and run away FROM the sea in
shame. |