Christmas Day in Road Bay, Anguilla

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Wed 25 Dec 2013 21:54
I did take my cagoule last night but didn’t need it of course. I wore
it anyway just to show the weather who is boss. The outboard lasted all
the way in without cutting out. We had a delicious dinner at Jackie’s
(Queen of Anguilla apparently and she most certainly is, one of life’s
fabulously larger than life characters, loud, a bit abrasive but a heart of
gold). We had delicious calamari (mine spicy and Bob’s in coconut) and
then Bob decided on cottage pie, yes really, while I went for snapper poached in
coconut milk. We ended the delicious feast by sharing a piece of Bakewell
Tart, mm. Anguilla is a British island in case you hadn’t guessed.
The outboard lasted all the way back to WIndy as well. FIngers crossed for
the future.
I woke all by myself, without the usual cup of coffee, Christmas is still
exciting at my age. We had a full English breakfast, opened pressies, I
had a super long snorkel (saw fabulous star fish the size of dinner plates), we
had Bob’s favourite Waldorf Slaw again for lunch, special Christmas request,
washed down with a delicious bottle of champagne (from Lidl can you believe but
you would never know unless I owned up publicly on the blog) followed by mince
pies and brandy butter. We then went ashore to test out the outboard which
lasted all the way there, popped in to Customs and Immigration with some mince
pies because we felt sorry for them having to work on Christmas Day, went for a
Christmas Day walk to work up an appetite for dinner (joined by an enthusiastic
hand and heart bumping Jimmy who wouldn’t speak to us when we defended the Queen
(Elizabeth II not Jackie) who he claimed to be corrupt (what?!), sat and watched
the world go by with a beer before returning to WIndy to chill. The outboard
worked all the way back too.
The sun is setting on a gloriously sunny, happy day and we must go and
dress for dinner. We are going to a rather smart restaurant, outboard
willing, so I will be taking my new handbag (thank you D), wearing my fabulous
film star bracelet (thank you Susie) and my very tasteful sparkly Father
Christmas t-shirt (thank you Bob). I have yet to decide whether or not I
will take the cagoule. Merry Christmas to you
all. |