45:12:07N 008:02:21W

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Fri 10 Jun 2011 09:40
It has been all about dolphins. Dolphins to the left of us dolphins
to the right of us and at one stage so many that it was like dolphin rush hour
at Kings Cross station. Hayley had the extra delight of phosphorescent
dolphins on her night watch and could see their trails as they rushed along and
surged out of the water like sparkly show jumping ponies. In her words
“Cool!” They are mesmerising to watch and you can’t help but rush out from
wherever you are at the shout of “dolphins”!
The beast that is the Bay of Biscay is proving to be a pussy cat (although
there are still 24 hours to go) and we have had to resort to motoring for
several hours just to make any headway at all. The wind picked up in the
night and Stuart had fun seeing how fast he could get Windy to go. He
claims 10 knots but we only have the dolphins to witness it. We are now
going a steady 6.5 knots under full sail, on a calm sea, under a blue sky and
enjoying the gentle ride.
Life is settling into a routine, the watch system 3 hours on 6 hours off,
is working well and we are enjoying the gentle pace of life. It is rather
like fishing. The best excuse that anyone can create for sitting and
pondering or reading for hours on end (Bob’s kindle is getting a lot of use)
whilst doing something called sailing.