N13:58 W061:01 Marigot Bay

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Thu 18 Dec 2014 22:07
We had another cosy evening in last night. To be honest I wasn’t
feeling at my best and we couldn’t face another evening slogging around town on
an unfulfilling restaurant hunt. (The visit to the Pharmacie has done
little as yet to improve matters but was in itself quite amusing. There
was a real Bridget Jones moment when I was trying to describe my problem to the
French only speaking pharmacist with much pounding on my chest, false coughs and
trying to mime the expulsion of phlegm. “Ah” she declared with
understanding, and some astonishment, “Expectorant”. How was I to know
that it was going to be the same word in French).
Instead of venturing out we “lit” the candles (the very clever battery
operated ones that actually look very realistic and are far less of a hazard
than the real thing) polished off the gin, ate spag bol sans beef and listened
to the next hundred of Now That’s What I Call a Million with the naff Christmas
tree flashing almost in time to the music. We have rather given up on
Martinique, not just the difficulty in getting anywhere and doing anything and
anything being open but also that we need to get in touch with Rodney Bay to
make sure that we can actually get a berth (the constant threat hanging over us)
and Bob’s dual band mobile phone that “works anywhere in the world” does just
that, except of course French islands. Over dinner we decided to head back
to St Lucia in the morning.
We took off over a weedy sea ( not just very little in the waves department
but also a lot of sargassum weed about), put up the sails but with not more than
a mere puff of wind kept the motor running. It does charge the
batteries! We slipped and slopped across contentedly, the sun continuing
its unfailing sunniness, had a light lunch, watched a few dolphins in the
distance busy on their own restaurant hunt and puttered into Marigot Bay at just
past 3:00pm. We were immediately surrounded by Santa, with only his hat to
identify him, who is the best banana seller in the world, (we ended up buying a
bunch even though we don’t need them), various other less successful fruit
sellers and a chap offering a taxi service who we think may have been the
infamous Bozo, but it may just be our fertile imagination. We need Fran
here to identify him.
We chose Marigot Bay with the thought being that if Rodney Bay won’t have
us we could perhaps just stay here reasonably safely as a last chance, if all
else fails, fall back position. Not ideal but at least a cunning
plan. Our choice was, of course, nothing to do with the Rainforest
Hideaway restaurant where we have always eaten like kings and queens. Bob
dinghied over, just 100 metres or so, to book a table and reported back that
“they were totally full with a party or something”. He added “Only
kidding”only once I had fallen for this hook line and sinker. I am
patently not operating at my best!