Chatham Bay

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sun 18 Jan 2015 21:41
We had a very nice evening on the beach at one of the competing
barbecues. The setting was perfect, looking out over the bay, the sand at
our feet (loads of repellent to counteract the sand flies), the hairoun was cold
and arrived promptly when requested from the dour bullet headed “barman”, the
food plentiful but not expertly cooked (which was a little bit disappointing, it
was hard to tell what the barbequed meat was, we think it was pork but it might
have been beef) and the company enlightening. Not just Bob, we got
chatting to the only other occupied table, two women (one very blonde t’other
very dark) and a young blonde girl who we assumed to be a daughter but turned
out to be a gap year student about to study archaeology (therefore knows Avebury
well and who’s grandparents coincidentally live locally at Worton). They
had with them two lovely dogs, a young bouncy, bemused looking lab and an old,
very shaggy black spaniel who knew exactly what was going on. A most pleasant
This morning the blonde woman, being British we had completely forgotten to
introduce ourselves last night, came by and invited us to barbecue on the beach
with them this evening (they turned out to be called Susie, Maddy and
Yvonne) which we have decided to do despite not having anything barbecuey
on board to provide. Most opportunely a man came by selling fruit and veg
(well, some, very limited varieties of) Assessing what I already had, very much
a culinary challenge, I have knocked up a beetroot, orange and carrot
salad. Michelle would be proud of me. The invitation gave me the
perfect excuse to spend a day doing very little at all apart from a bit of
boiling, chopping and stirring amongst finishing the book I started yesterday
(schizophrenic boy with Downs syndrome brother, clever but a bit intense for
relaxing holiday reading), playing a bit of bridge on my Ipad until it ran out
of battery, snorkelling amongst the rocks (loads of different fish again today
plus a snake, millipedes and, as well as the conventional sea urchins, either
some very old ones who’s spikes had turned white or perhaps were just a
different variety). Meanwhile Bob has been busy sawing up a waste pipe for
SUsie (no, I have no idea what she wants it for), chasing the water leak that
keeps setting off the automatic bilge pump to no avail, lost and found the
sealing ring for the water supply, engine and generator checks, made water,
charged the batteries, done ALL the washing up AND put it away, made me
coffee. Guess who is now feeling just a little bit guilty?
It is now time to head for the beach and Hairouns as we look out for the
green flash. We’ve never cooked in a sand pit before, it could be an
experience! |