18:27N 064:32W Trellis Bay, Beef Island. Also entitled Bugger.

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Tue 31 Dec 2013 21:59
The lobster at the Lobster Trap last night (Eric’s uncle’s place) was
delicious. The salad that came first (why?) was bog standard and the only
dressings were highly coloured, strangely flavoured, of the American
variety. We just had a quick little nibble like rabbits to show willing
because the serving staff were all so lovely. The lobster itself was
succulent, plainly barbecued over a halved oil can filled with driftwood, with
melted butter to pour over it. Served with a plain, plump baked potato, it
may have been simplicity personified but it was just simply good. We were
happily replete.
The morning’s tricky exit in reverse to our buttock clenching entry to
Anegada was easier knowing which of the buoys were missing and we left unharmed.
Up went the sails and off we flew on a broad reach, bobbing along over a gentle
sea at a steady 7 plus knots with the wind briskly blowing at between 19 to 22
knots. The sun shone. It was divine. I then became
perturbed by an intermittent, rubbery squeaking noise which I thought I ought to
mention to Bob. Bob tracked it down to the autopilot again. It was
nothing like the blowing over a bottle sound that signalled failure before but
had the same effect. Hence the “bugger” of the title.
We hand steered into Trellis Bay, arriving at 11am, where we are booked
into the Last Resort for New Year celebrations. (We aren’t expecting the
Governor this year but would like to mark this auspicious occasion with suitable
merriment). It was harder to find a parking space than it is in Devizes on
market day. There were hundreds of mooring balls but they were all
occupied. What on earth time had they arrived to bag their spots? In
despair we have hooked on to a buoy clearly marked Private. Bob is fretful
that the owner will loom out of the darkness and make us move on but my strategy
is to say that “we have steering issues and can’t possibly do so” (and “make us
if you can”, I can be quite fierce when feeling stressed).
I made Bob his favourite Waldorf Slaw in an attempt to cheer him up and as
soon as he had golloped it down immediately emptied the Mary Poppins bag
lazarette and had a good stare, bottom in the air, at the malfunctioning
activator. There was nothing obvious to see but why had a second one
failed? Was it a coincidence. Serious assistance was required
because there is no way we can hand steer for the required overnight leg to
We made contact with Ulrich, Bob having to use the sat phone because
Vodafone have pulled the plug on Bob’s mobile again (they have done it before
willy nilly) and he gave us the name of the most appropriate “mender” on
Tortola, Cay Marine. Bob then spoke to them and they can’t send anyone to
help until January 15th, great, but are happy to look at the malfunctioning part
if we take it to them, after the holiday of course, which we will. The
only problem is that parking in Nanny Cay, where they reside, is so full that we
have to wait for a space to be freed up before we can move there. In all
not a very happy New Year’s Eve afternoon, and Bob certainly is not feeling in
the mood for jolly japes and celebrating. We will just have to reach for
another beer. |