Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Thu 17 May 2012 15:27
After a long haul and three different flights we made it to Houston where
we walked 500 miles and then 500 more to collect our luggage. At last we
were met by a smiley Duncan and a non stop chattering Alex. My he has
grown since we last saw him! We arrived at Duncan and Dolley’s amazing,
brand spankingly new built house to be met by Dolley and to meet our cute, and
initially very reticent, little granddaughter Avery who is the spitting image of
pics of Katie when she was a baby.
We spent a lovely long weekend with the family and were able to celebrate
Duncan’s birthday actually with him for the first time that Bob could remember
in years at a very smart French restaurant with the Levan family. Bob bought
Duncan a birthday suit as his present, actually a bargain “three suits for the
price of one” which turned out not to be a bargain at all. Ah well – at
least Dunc received something he wanted and will be suitably bedecked for a few
years to come and at least Bob’s 3 shirts in Macy’s were a genuine bargain and
Avery decided to just try rather than buy all the high heeled shoes.
We celebrated little cousin Julia’s 3rd birthday on the Sunday with a
gathering at John and Nathalie Levan’s home with a gathering of Levans and
Nathalie’s family. We delved into a delicious Vietnamese spread, including
an interesting clam soup and the ubiquitous hot sauce, before having a game a
family quiz game on the Playstation complete with bizarre avatars that
were more monsters than people. I don’t know what happened but I ended up
winning in the last round with a couple of complete guesses on US
sportsmen. Go the Frearsons! We then held our own most successfully
in a rather strange game of ping pong with no rules except avoiding the heads of
Avery and Alex as they popped up around the table.
After a full on weekend with much catching up, feasting, lego building,
Alex interrogations and plenty of play with the little people we left Houston
for much needed R&R.