Rain Forests

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sun 6 May 2012 22:04
We found our way back to the rainforest today and discovered why it is
called that. It started hammering down the moment we arrived but
undeterred we insisted on having a go at the zip lining. Accompanied by a
real clown whose name we can’t remember and a delightful girl called Tanya just
the two of us zipped our way through the beautiful rainforest zapping down
wires, swinging across a gorge and shimmying down a rope slide. Brilliant
fun. The rain made the wires even more slippery and faster. Yabba
dabba do! The rain became heavier and heavier as we progressed and by the
time we had finished we were soaked through but happy. Thank heavens it is
still warm despite the torrents and we were marginally warmed up with a rum
It seems that we were the last punters of the day because we gave Tanya and
another chap a lift home to Castries, stopping off at a friend of Tanya’s who
lent her some dry clothes. As we chatted our way to town I was delighted
to hear that there is a dolphin fish which is not the same as a dolphin.
We had intended to go on to do some serious sightseeing but were so wet
that a return to the boat was inevitable. After a warming lunch of cup a
soup (we have loads left over from the trip across) it has continued to
relentlessly chuck down bucket loads of heavy rain. We have tucked
ourselves up with our Kindles and spent a most relaxing afternoon reading.
This is the life!