Christmas Villa

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sun 23 Dec 2012 23:36
Francesca found the villa with absolutely no directions, what a clever
homing pigeon. We were met by Urban Jones the caretaker who is
delightful. It is fantastic but up a very steep hill indeed. Bob
didn’t fancy helping everyone up that hill with their luggage so decided that we
needed a hire car so asked Urban to take us to the car hire place leaving
Francesca at the villa in case of family arrivals. Bob and I climbed into
the front of his truck, and it was a long way up, making the two women with him
sit in the open back which seemed a bit unfair. I asked Urban if one of
them was his wife. He laughed his head off, they were both his
daughters. We stopped by at the police station to pick up the local
licence, a prerequisite to hiring a car on Nevis and while the forms were
meticulously completed, very slowly as is their wont, we admired the man behind
his desk’s colleague who was asleep, very comfortably, across her desk. As
we left I joked with the girls in the back about my error about them being
Urban’s wife and, distracted, promptly fell down a hole landing heavily on my
knees. Oops.
We got a car eventually and returned to the villa to await Dunc, Dolley and
family. The water taxi kept coming in, but no Frearson’s son.
Eventually we found out that the airline had lost one of their suitcases and
they had therefore missed the taxi. No problem, Wincent the transport
manager was on the case and eventually tracked their progress. Bob and I
dashed off to the supermarket to buy nappies for Avery and essential “get us
through the night” toiletries. They arrived, with Katie too having met her
on the water taxi dock much to their mutual surprise and were able to find
Francesca in the bar awaiting. We got back from the quick shopping trip, and yes
Bob was as grumpy as ever throughout this visit, and there they all were.
Just Pop to come so we all had dinner and then waited like eager puppies waiting
for her to arrive.
Katie is scrupulously honest and, on arrival at St Kitts, when asked if she
had anything to declare, explained that she had an enormous quantity of Brussels
sprouts. Fortunately they had absolutely no idea what they were and they let her
in, probably thinking that she was just a little bit mad. Katie has however been
complaining ever since that the sprouts, Christmas gifts, plus Pop and
Francesca’s stockings, in her luggage meant that she had no room to bring any
clothes. A martyr to the Christmas cause.
Many Carib beers later, and the bar had closed, it transpired, from
Wincent, that Pop’s flight had been cancelled for no particular reason and
therefore she was still at Antigua airport. Wincent assured us that she
would be met in the morning, if they let her on the flight. We retired to
bed on Windy just a teensy bit perturbed.
Oualie Bay is not very sheltered and waves whack in tossing the boat around
as if it is a toy. Windy has a few problems in the joinery department, a
bit arthritic it might be said, and moans and groans like a Captain Pugwash
sound effect. We didn’t get much sleep.
We arose and eagerly went ashore and were delighted to find that we had a
full complement awaiting us on the beach. Pop had arrived after a night on
the floor of the airport with just 10 East Caribbean dollars to her name.
Bob, as duty driver, was required to accompany us to the supermarket for
the big Christmas shop. Pop and Francesca came along and we managed to
fill two trolleys most happily but Bob was given strict orders that he could
only come in if he behaved. After a stern look when he started commenting
on the amount of water being piled into the trolley, he drifted off,
After stuffing the fridge and freezer with out ill gotten gains we had
lunch on the villa balcony overlooking the bay and views across to St
Kitts. Grumpa and Granny were then inveigled into swimming duties and
spent a fabulous time sploshing in the pool with a very eager Alex and
Avery. They cavorted until their teeth chattered and Grumpa couldn’t take
any more.
We’ve been back to the boat to hang out the red light, now christened
Roxanne by Francesca, and are back in the villa about to go out to dinner.
I suppose that I shouldn't mention that I tried to walk through the patio doors
when I arrived. Too clean, obviously.