30:04:33N 014:41:32W
Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Sat 25 Jun 2011 19:18
Slow old progress today. After such a sustained and fabulous wind
yesterday it has dropped like a stone and after light winds all morning we are
back to having to motor this afternoon and probably all evening, in fact
possibly all night. The problem is, under motor, that if you keep the
mainsail up it flaps and cracks like a whip until you think it is going to rip
itself up a seam but without it we just rock and roll... and rattle as dwindling
supplies no longer fill the cupboards to capacity.
Everyone is tired after being back on three hours on and six hours off
watch. It is amazingly tiring too when it is blowing a force 6 on a
sustained basis because everything you do takes so long and requires balancing
skills up to full circus standard. People have been known to fall asleep
in the middle of reading at all times of the day. In Bobs case the Kindle
is always falling on his face, which we are quite used to, but Haley fell asleep
today while reading a book about sextants, with pencil poised and notebook in
We are not sure how best to use our last few days but have decided to go
between Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, then follow the lea coast down and then cut
across to the bottom of Gran Canaria to Puerto Mogan. We are still not
100% certain that we have a berth when we get there as we still have not
received the promised voucher, although they appear to have gobbled up our
deposit money quite greedily.