Marigot Bay

Wind Charger
Bob and Elizabeth Frearson
Fri 2 Jan 2015 22:43
We dined at the newly refurbished Chateau Mygo, it now has very bright and
colourful sexy lights, to rival the new Roxanne, along the dinghy dock which
means to be able to see anything at all when tying up, you have to put your foot
over them. Dinner was most pleasant to eat but marred by a horrendous
table full of loud young Americans who were determined that everyone should
admire their antics including parading through the decently attired diners in
only their swimming shorts. Yeuch, enough to put one off ones mahi
mahi. A dashing Frenchman, also very fed up, eventually told them to shut
up and was joined by a German family so we presented a truly united European
front to try to get them to behave in a more civilised manner. They did,
sort of, and left, shouting vague insults all round.
This morning our first port of call was the Customs Office to find out
whether we could check out down South. They told us to fill out a form but
we refused! We then had a long and chirpy discussion about checking in and
that although Vieux Fort was quite safe it would be horribly rolly. We can
check in at the airport as long as we take a boatie form with us to complete the
right details which we duly purloined. A most satisfactorily happy experience of
Customs in the Caribbean.
We then tried to find someone from the fuel dock to establish opening hours
to find that they didn’t actually have any fuel which is ironic as you pass a
long row of the most enormous fuel tanks as you venture into Marigot Bay.
We then visited the supermarket to stock up for our planned Christmas
dinner. They didn’t have turkey or chicken or cranberry sauce so we will
make do with a rack of lamb and a nice bottle of Malbec. They did however
have sprouts so we thought we would get some to add some christmassy element to
our feast. We popped into the very smart indeed resort at the end of the
broadwalk to catch up with personal admin using their wifi, and also let Pop
know what the arrival plan was, as we lounged on cushions in a giant sized fancy
wicker basket. We felt quite justified in taking their hospitality,
including a free bottle of water, having bought a beer from them last night at
very smart indeed prices.
Over lunch we were delighted with a visit from a turtle. He mooched
around a bit before wending on his way.
This afternoon, Fran and I fancied our chances at some paddle boarding and
went in search of same. We were only able to find a kayak which in all
honesty probably turned out to a much safer option particularly as the wind has
been blowing a hooly most of the day and we created our own version of the
DW. We did try using it as a paddle board, Fran achieved 20 seconds, but
we chickened out due to exceedingly precarious wobbling. We presented
ourselves to Bob alongside Windy and were thrilled that the turtle was back in
the vicinity.
We recovered from our paddling with a beer standing waist deep in the sea
,kayaking is thirsty work before setting off to swim back to the boat.
This was against wind and tide. Finding myself somewhat over faced I put
in several stops. By the time I got back to Windy, Fran (who had arrived
ages before) and Bob were just considering sending out a search party.
Bob is very happy this evening. Gerry has started AGAIN today.
He starts with a shudder and a harrumph, which Fran says is exactly like me in
the morning as my coffee arrives. Gerry then settles into a very satisfied
hum. Bob, also humming with satisfaction, has been busy making water
watching the entertainment as a nearby yacht drifted into the Rainforest
Hideaway, its buoy having become detached. Oh it all happens here!