Day 307 - Taiohae, Nuku-Hiva

27th May – After another early start I
pulled up anchor and headed straight across the way to Taiohae, Nuku-Hiva 8:54.86S 140:06.01W I was actually hoping to meet up with another boat and sore
to there word they were waiting in the harbor. The boat Son of the Son who we
met in the Atlantic Side of Panama and infact Kerry one of the guys line
handled for me through the Panama Channel. Unfortunately for me they had been
there for 4 days waiting and were leaving the next day so after a drunken night
on board their boat I said goodbye and got down to preparing Silky for he next
leg of the trip. I spent the entire time working on the boat fixing and
cleaning all of the little things that had been mounting up over the last few
months. And in typical fashion the same way Fiona would reward me for such a
grand days work I went to town and bought a new fishing lure. An absolute beauty
the type that when you lay your eyes on it you just know you are going to get a
fish and a big fish at that. Well we will have to wait and see. One of the pictures I have included is of drying Tuna hung
up on make shift lines. I went up to the guys doing it yesterday and they gave
me a piece to try. It was amazing, a lot like Jerky just fish. I think that is
what I will be doing with my next Tuna. I have tried to do it previously however
by using salt which makes it horrible to eat. But a lot safer to dry. The last
thing I need to do is poison myself. Also I have included a picture of the crew member a mate of
mine lent me, you can see the picture of him sheeting in the line for the front
sail. His name is Who, he is actually quite hard to see however he is apparently
great on watch and always there as the last boat he was on they were always
saying Who is on watch. He should keep me good company and be a great look out.
Day 307 Destination – Traveling Direction – North Average Speed – 4.5 Total distance – 27.0 Nautical Miles Travel Time – 6:00’h |