Day 248 - las Pearlas Islands, Contrador, 'Panama'

We pulled up our
anchor Sunday 29th of March, 2009 at 7am only to
realize it was stuck, or fouled as they say. After many attempts I finally
freed it and headed for a tiny Island called Contrador in the las Paerlas
Islands, Panama 8:37.49N 79:01.79W The weather is so hot
that all we can do is keep out of the sun and drink beer. We have been
snorkeling a bit and fishing however not a lot of luck. It is a totally new
world for me her as the sea life is just non stop. There are millions and
millions of fish in the water, hundreds of schools of bait fish and bigger
predators swimming through them snacking as they go. To top it all off Dad and
I were on deck in the evening where we saw 2 small sharks swim past, they were
3 feet each moving very slowly and then as there descended back into the
relatively shallow, murky water mamma sharks tail fin came out of the water as
she dived and it scared me half to death as it was about 18 inched to 2 feet
tall just the top section alone. After discussing it with the boat next to us
who also saw it we believe it was at least 12 – 15 feet long. To think 30
minutes prior I was swimming in the water right where it passed. There is a hotel on this
island or what used to be a hotel, it must be at least 400 – 500 rooms
and it is in pretty good working order still except of a little bit of
pillaging buy the locals. You will see a picture of Dad at the lobby bar, funny
that that is the first place we wanted to check out. Anyhow it is a very
strange place. Day 248 Destination – Average Speed
– 4.3 Total distance
– 35.2 Nautical Miles |