Day 15 - Falmouth

We untied at 6.06 AM
Sunday the 3rd of August and set sail for It was another long day
slogging into the wind and all it did was rain. I am very tired and do not like
it raining all the time one bit. We did catch fish
however, not sure what they are some say very big Gar fish either way we caught
2 and they feed 3 of us for dinner. They were caught on the lute I purchased
last week in Lyme Regus so it at least it proves it work’s. We are staying in Off to bed now. Day 015 Destination – Traveling Direction
– South West Wind Direction –
South West West (Good breeze F5) Average Speed 4.1 Knots Top Speed 8.4 Knots Over
Ground Total distance 37.2
Nautical Miles Travel Time 9.11 Hours Crew
- Fiona (Loving it)
- Craig (Loving it) Missing Work - I do not
think So Expenses - £22 Mooring
Fee & £7.45 2.5 Pint’s Next Destination – |