Day 26 - Biscay Somwhere

We are still bobbing
around in the blue water somewhere, Saturday 16th August. We are
definitely in the depths of Biscay 44:21.31N 3:30.14W It was about 4AM and
Fiona woke me only wanting to tell me that she had seen a small bird flying
around and she thought it had flown into the cabin. Well she was right this
tiny little bird that looked like a Ren was flattering about in our cabin. How
such a small bird had traveled out so far and what it was thinking when he did
it is beyond me. I could only laugh at the thought of him trying for carry back
a big fish to the nest. Fiona woke me again with
her muffled cry’s of sickness as she hung her head throwing up over the
side of the boat I tucked Fiona into bed so she could get some rest and
get over her nausea and then took the helm. The wind had picked up considerably
and we again reefed in the front sail. Now we were really in the middle of
nowhere, I mean we were a day and a half from any where and if a storm did
develop we would only have to battle it out. It is quite a strange feeling to
be sitting is such a small boat in the middle of one of the most notorious
stretches of water, having only made one other night passages prior and now
here we were the two of us in the middle of the Bay of Biscay. Even my insurance
company would not insure the yacht for this crossing with out 3 able sea man on
board. No fishing today, the
weather was pretty bad, and the sea state was horrible. I was just
concentrating of getting us to land safely. Special comments by Fiona: I
rarely suffer from sea sickness any-more but this particular morning it got the
better of me. I think after a lot of sun and a few drinks the day before
set it off. I felt horrible and couldn’t do any-thing about
it. I wanted to avoid waking Ben up but had no choice when I permanently
had my head over the side. He put me to bed and put up with my crying
(I’m hopeless when I’m sick) as I recovered. So the second
day at sea was a bit of a blur for me, which is a good thing considering the
sea state was quite rough. Day 026 Destination – Traveling Direction
– South West Wind Direction –
North West West (Gusting upto 27Knt’s sometimes it is ok and then it
turns really bad) Average Speed 3.9 Knots
(Making up a lot of lost ground now) Top Speed – 7.8
Knots Over Ground (We had to start the engine to get over the rock and rolling)
Total distance –
About 170 Nautical Miles Travel Time – 25
Hours around about Temperature – 18
around about even ok at night (Lots of Sunshine and rain and fog and birds
flying into the cabin in blackness) Crew
- Fiona (Very sea sick) Missing Work - I do not
think So Expenses – Sweet
FA Next Destination – Gijon |