Day 67 - Portimao

We pulled up our anchor
on Saturday 27h September at 9:00AM and headed off out the narrow
inlet towards Portimao 37:07.40N 8:31.49W Fiona was behind the
helm as she normally is, this is mainly due to my short attention span where I
will normally be too busy doing something else than paying any attention to
what I am supposed to be doing. Anyhow we left on a rising low tide so we could
clearly see the channel on the way out. All was well until we run aground. We
were cruising down the river under motor and bang we just stopped dead in our
track. The depth gauge read 0.7 meters which is taken from the bottom of our
keel which is 1.85 meters below the water line giving us a total of 2.55 meters
but we had hit a massive bar, I mean this thing was almost sticking out the
water, and from the push pit I could see we were in deep enough water but
looking forward there was a wall of sand across us. Fiona nearly went over the
handle bars and in a panic screamed leaving me to put the boat in the neutral.
We reversed back which was really quite easy, Fiona went forward and signaled
back to me what path we should take to get out which we did. It is so deceiving
water, you can not tell its depth from far and the swirls and ripples on the
top of it normally tell you the opposite of what you think. As we sailed out of the
inlet, turned and headed into the next harbor only a few miles down the road
but unfortunately we were told we had to detour. Can you believe it, someone
had decided to hold the world championship power boat racing out the front of
the harbor entrance. I guess it was not all bad being able to watch the boats
fly passed in pit lane style seats. The power boat ‘Hustler’ cruised past, a
massive F1 looking thing, the same boat that I had seen cruise past Silky many
times before back in Once we made it into
Portimao Fi and I plonked ourselves on a wall in the middle of town like a
couple of pikie’s as we have done so many times before, locked up and headed
off towards the supermarket. I was also on a mission to find another prop but
being Saturday I was out of luck. We bought a heap of food and jumped back on
board to sail back down the river where we once again caught up with our
cruising friends Den and Sadie. We anchored in a lovely little bay out the
front of a few lovely restaurants cooking up Sardines on the BBQ, this is where
we ended up for dinner, Sardines of course. The weather had taken a
turn for the worst and all it did for the next 2 days was rain, none of this
normal rain you get but big, bad and very fat rain. It sounded as though the
rain drops were going to punch holes in the roof of the boat. It did not stop
for at least the entire night and when we finally got up I was expecting the
water line to have risen up the side of the boat but all was good we still
floated after all. The weather meant we could not be bothered going anywhere
fast it also meant that we could not watch the last power boat race of the
season either so we just did nothing. In the evening we were invited onto our
friends boat for a 5 Star meal, a hot curry with all the trimmings like mango
chutney, lime pickle and pupadoms, mmmmmmm…. After a board game it was back to
Silky for a nights sleep and some more rain only to wake to more rain. It was now Monday so the
shops were all open and Den kindly gave me a dingy rid up to the boat shops to
see if I could pick up a prop but you would not believe it nothing at all and
there were heaps of them. I tried to order one but it was a weeks wait and that
could mean 1, 2 or even 3 weeks for all I knew as it had to come from Special comments by
Fiona:. Admittedly I panicked when we all of a sudden we stopped
and run aground, throwing me forward. In theory I knew what to do but I was
caught off guard and was a little startled to say the least! Once we were ok
and off again my nerves subsided. It was all happening
once we arrived in Portimao, with all the power boats screaming passed us, jet
fighter planes and helicopter’s above. What a welcoming! Unfortunately though
we were also greeted with rain, thunder and lightening which has been
consistent for a couple of days now. I guess our run of beautiful sunny days
was bound to let up sooner or later. Day 67 Destination – Portimao Traveling Direction –
East Wind Direction – South
East Swell – Slight 0.5 mtrs Average Speed – 3.7
Knots Top Speed – 5.0 Knots
Through the water Total distance – 9.94
Nautical Miles Travel Time – 2.66 Hours Temperature – 26 degrees Crew
- Fiona (Not happy about running aground) Missing Work – Not Yet Expenses – Provisions
€52.08 Next Destination – Albuferia |