Tender Racing to the Anchor Bleu Inn

Silk Sheets
Ben Shute & Fiona Kennelly
Sat 12 Jul 2008 19:52
the two of us will sail back up the long Southampton Water stretch home into
our berth at Shamrock Quay. It certainly did not stop us from having fun
however in Chitchester Harbor where we joined with out boating friend from
the Quay. Funnily enough we all became acquainted in the Waterfront Hotel a
fine establishment situated next to the marina and in good sprit Mark &
Sheena thought a tender race up the river to the Anchor Bleu Inn was
appropriate in hope of being lucky enough to watch the tide rise over some
unexpected driver who would have been stupid enough to park their car out
front, but as often as it happens we were not there on the right day so
instead we ate good old steak & stilton pie at the pub and then partied back
on Jims & Lesley's boat for the evening where I managed to fall asleep. I
wont go into the reason I was so tired but is was something to do with joy
riding in Jim's Ski boat in the early hours of the night before ;) Who's
Idea was that???
PS: The dog's name is Alfie and as if butter would not melt let me tell you
I am still sporting the scars to prove it. He is a great fisherman though so
all is forgotten.