Day 99 Gibraltor to Canary Islands Passage Day 5

Silk Sheets
Ben Shute & Fiona Kennelly
Wed 29 Oct 2008 23:21

Midnight Day 5 - 30:04.61N 12:22.60W 



It was not until the day light that we came to realize that Silky was doing what she was designed to do and managing the waves and weather just fine so we both relaxed wound out some more sail and went along for the ride. Most of the time Silky would cruise at 7 Knots with her max through the water at 9.6 Knot’s, not bad it you ask me.


We were really starting to get us to being at sea, how every daunting not having land in sight for a couple of days now and knowing it was a good 20 hour sail if we needed to head in.


Special comments by Fiona:  The sea had not let up and the wind was stronger than ever, reaching up to 42.7 kts, but I had kind of relaxed a bit more and started having faith in our boat.  Silky proved to me that she was stronger than us and was designed to handle big scary sea’s.  I started to enjoy the ride again, probably because I knew that we were a day away from our destination and I felt that we’d been through the worst.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to being thrown around the boat in bad weather though.  I was thrown into the stove from the other side of the boat, hitting my stomach and hips.  Apart from some bruises and a bit of pain I was ok.  I can see how people get serious injuries out at sea, it’s definitely a hazard!


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