8-12-07 Ships Log

Rebel T
Tim Walsh
Sat 8 Dec 2007 19:30
Dear Readers,

The crew, including the Skipper are all fine, but very tired. Today's
weather is an improvrment on yesterday's.
We currently have 26knts on the port quarter and are flying the full genoa,
the sea is big and lumpy but has calmed considerably.

I was hoping to do a full blog today, but I feel sick too easily when I come
to type and read because of the motion. We are expecting improvement
tomorrow and hopefully a return to normal service will begin.
It is 7pm and I am back on at 10pm and I promised myself some sleep as the
night watches are demanding in these conditions.

As I said, last night was a bit of a one, we got an unexpected email from
our router man, advising us that ahead of us were reported 55knt squalls and
that we should go South as soon as possible. That was fine except that to
do this bidding set us across the biggest seas, which were breaking.
We steered by hand for about an hour but it was impossible to continue after
dark. I rang Chris and discussed matters with him, he said that conditions
ahead had eased since that email, but we should still go as South as we
could. We did.

Even so we had strong squalls again. Anthony and I just watched the dial as
it registered 43knts. I really could have cried. We were so tired and had
done so much to try and avoid these conditions....in the event what can you
do?...nothing, so we steered her down the waves and held on tight awaiting
the dawn. Luckily the waves were not so big, but they were confused and
steep, we got a few in the cockpit, only white water but plenty of it.
We adopted the one engine ploy with no sail. It is tried and tested now and
spares the crew.

I don't know if you people visit the ARC website, or if the ARC bulletins
are posted on our blog site, but there have been a lot of casualties in
terms of boats and people, no doubt, the weather is playing a large part in
this. 2 boats have sent MAYDAY's. One called Spam is not in the ARC but lost
it's mast last night and as it went over it tore the side of the boat and
they were sinking. We didn't hear it because they were 200 miles ahead of
us, but I understand that they have now ben rescued but the boat lost. A bit
real and very sobering. There must be 15 or so boats on the reports, one has
a non-functioning rudder and failed electrics, but any problem out here is a
big problem. We on Rebel just keep our fingers crossed and take things
carefully. CatmanDo are now 100 miles ahead, and good luck to them, they
called today and I just told them to be careful. I hope they beat us
now....because if they do not then it is because of a mishap and that would
be awful.

There is nothing to report really, today was spent just trying to recuperate
spirit and sleep, we are not there yet. We are all praying that tonight will
be kinder than the last few as we need a break.

I am going to sign off now as I feel sick and am tired. I do apologise for
the lack of blogs, I will get back to them just as soon as I can, pics as

We are all well and safe and getting on with each other, nothing has broken
and we are taking no chances.

I am conserving the crew energies, not knowing how long we will have to
battle this weather. I rang Colette today to say we were all OK. I said that
the wind had moderated and the seas eased somewhat, I looked at the plotter
to see what the wind speed was.....34knts!!
I was saying that the weather had eased down....to just a gale!! Thank
Goodness for Einsteins relativity!!

With love Tim and crew XXX