2-12-07 PHOTO The Spirit of the Night

Rebel T
Tim Walsh
Sun 2 Dec 2007 21:43
This picture took about a dozen snaps to capture.
You can see Maximus flying at night. It was taken a couple of nights ago,
but only got comressed today.
(We all get a little compressed from time to time...I know I do )
2 things to say, firstly it is clear what a bastard it would be to try and
snuff this in a squall in the dark on a rainy deck, this was taken with the
decklight on.
Secondly, it is clear how such a sail and sight plays on the imagination.
To me it is straight out of,
" Lord of the Rings" or perhaps Darth Vader, from "The Darkside"
A great picture with no image processing stuff involved. The green ribbon
is the starb'd tell-tale.