Ship's Log

Rebel T
Tim Walsh
Wed 4 Jun 2008 04:25

Dear All,

Ship's Time 03.31 04/06/2008

Log Reads from Horta, Azores 1068nm towards UK

Well folks welcome home to England, not quite, but with just over two
hundred and fifty miles to run before we pass the Island of Scilly, we sure
have the weather pattern of the a English Summer. Yesterday morning the
winds went light on us, but only to settle from a new direction. From a
North Westerly, to West then South Westerly, a very comfortable 20knots max
from the North West, with glorious sunshine, all be it not very warm (7
degrees C )no one on board was impressed with that, to right now driving
rain and winds ranging from 22knots to 38knots, we peaked with a gust that
went through at 40 knots. It has been a wet and windy night. The first sight
of the new dawn is beginning to show now, so again light will reveal what
we have been really dealing with. That said the night sailing has had the
most amassing phosphoresce light on all the breaking waves around us, as
well as our own wake bearing down of the face of some quite large following

The last 48 hours of sailing has despite the above been very pleasant, we
have recorded our best daily run since leaving the Azores, 219 nm , and
still with the current weather we are making good progress towards the
English Channel (Western Approaches). Yesterday Barry had a very fine
session on the helm with Rebel moving along at around 10 - 12 knots with
short spurts of 14,15, and one of 17 knots. All very exhilarating before we
reduced sail and reefed when the new wind and direction established itself.
But for Barry on his first trip the sail in the glorious sunshine and
shimmering seas in the late afternoon with Rebel going so well in the
conditions at the time, and himself at the helm , it was I believe a moment
he will remember with a great deal of pleasure.

As we are quite quickly approaching the coast of England, dependent on the
continuing weather, we may or may not make a brief stop , for a quick
stores pick-up, some lunch, possible crew change, and then on our way. The
intension to complete all in just a few hours and then head on up the
English Channel. However this is subject to the vagaries of the weather
pattern and individual needs nearer the time.

ALL that said all aboard are keeping well and some even putting on a little
weight. I know seems hard to believe in the current environment, but hate
to say it is true. Rebel is very easy to sail, after some of the more
physical boats that we have been on in the past, Rebel is very comfortable
to sail.

Given the current conditions here I will catch up on all our social and
news worthy items at a later date.

Our thoughts to one and all.

Tim as we close with the UK coast will catch you on the Mobile for latest
update .

PS Cat-man-do sent us an e-mail, seems they are having a difficult time
some where along the way. Will try to get an update from them. Let you

All best wishes

Regards DAVID