Position 4:07S:103:25W Away from the office

Graham & Lesley
Sun 8 Mar 2020 07:54
Position 4:07S:103:25W     Away from the office    8th March 2020 South  Pacific time local 03:00

Mojo blog 04

Sorry I was out of the office, on Friday I awoke to find I was sealed inside the boat , all hatches shut, and the companionway closed, it was raining.
Raining, by the end of the day I could say I never saw a rainstorm so intense, everything was soaking wet and to boot just before the rain a 19 knot gust had removed one of the code zero clutches from the deck plate and we quickly hauled in the flagging sail, luckily we only suffered a small tear in the foot of the sail, we would have to send for Stitch Boy.

Paul had been christened stitch boy following a conversation overheard in one of the taxi tenders by some ARC participants. Although we are now equipped with a new head sail we kept the old one and said we could use it as a butterfly rig on the head furler in which we had 2 slots and 2 slots equals 2 sails one on each side for downwind sailing.

There was a lot of hand stitching to be undertaken and Paul volunteered and could be seen daily on the coach roof with his speedy hand sewer which lightened the load.
Anyway, to get to the point one of the ARC participants had been overheard saying that’s the stitching boy, puffing his chest out Paul realised the  point of reference was him, we shortened it to Stitch Boy and we had another crew member.

So, Stitch Boy quickly repaired the code zero and its now waiting in its bag for the right sailing conditions.

We were then busy drying out all the wet weather gear and I now realise why I have so many pairs of shorts onboard, during the storm we both indulged in a deck shower and are much nicer smelling to be around.

Now it’s over and out from
Mr Graham and Stich Boy

Mojo back on channel 16