Position 5:52S:111:02W Back on the conveyor

Graham & Lesley
Wed 11 Mar 2020 08:58
 Position 5:52S:111:02W   Back on the conveyor  11th March 2020 South  Pacific time local 04:00

Mojo blog 07

Midday today and the weather started to change, the temperature was on the up all the rain stopped, and a consistent trade wind eased in from the south. Setting our sails accordingly Mojo started to develop a rhythm just gliding through the water and before long we were topping 7.5 to 8 knots.

We were on the move, for how long we don’t know but its now engine off and all is quiet below, which means a better period of sleep.

Its Tuesday a week day so we decided on Salmon fillets for dinner, we had managed to save our frozen stock till now but it meant hacking our way into the icy depths of the freezer, unlike the luxuries of home a boat fridge has to be different and although the fridge part  is cavernous our freezer is small   so we flat packed all our meat and fish and now its like a jigsaw puzzle to remove anything, still it gets you through the day.

Last event of the day was a discussion on world time and when we should change the clocks, but as we have no government or officialdom out here the skipper’s word is law,
We agreed that we would change the clocks every 1000 miles so we are a little late, they will go back 1-hour tomorrow at midday, and we will contribute a half hour each to the change.
Of course, when we reach our destination the first thing, we will do is ask what time it is as time waits for no man.
Get outta here I’m going to bed.
From the happy people on board Mojo.