Day 1

Marco Versari
Mon 18 Mar 2024 16:24
36:06.414N 5:20.941W alle 9:35 LT (8:35 UTC) del 17 marzo 2024
La Linea looks quite different since we left this curious place in the beginnig of january, after two weeks of maintenance. the hills are covered in luminous green carpets, most of the construction work in the city center is gone and the city shows a little bit more life.
As we arrived at the port a layer of fog was building up and covered la Rocca of Gibraltar till dawn. After a long travel day we still managed to mount the main sail and prepare for the departure on sunday morning.
After a short stop at the fuel station topping up we left the port around 9h00 and headed under motor South-East. only half an hour later we pasted the Europa Point which is the official border between the atlantic and the mediterranean sea. We celebrated already last summer the return of Avventura to Europa, but passing this official border brings up another mini-emotion on this adventure spread over several years. We used the morning to prepare the rest, like mounting the Gib and safety lines.
Around lunch time we started to profit from the current of the canal and cruised with 1 additional knot on our way. We are looking out for breeze and changing wind angle, hoping we can pull up the sails at some point.
We also start taking the rythm of shifts with small naps in between to prepare our body and mind for the upcoming night shifts.