News & photos from Chatham Bay, Union, & Canouan

The Talulah's Web Diary
Ali Pery / Shane Warriker
Fri 19 Feb 2010 15:10


We left Clifton, Union Island, early morning of Tuesday 15th February, after a rude awakening.  Shane and I woke with that “something’s amiss” feeling, and quickly realised we were only metres from the boat anchored behind us.  Our anchor bouy and rope had been stolen during the night, and our anchor had been lifted from its holding while this was taking place.  The previous night we had rescued a local fisherman / watertaxi whose boat had sunk only a few hundred yards from us.  In the dark we heard screaming and could only just see the bow of his boat sticking up above the water.  As we approached, he leapt into our dinghy, throwing in his fuel tank and after wrapping his line around my waist, yelled, “Go go!!  Faster! I’ve been sabotaged! Save my boat!”  Quickly I unwrapped his line and explained our dinghy didn’t have the power to tow his boat and engine underwater, and I wasn’t ready to be garrotted either.  As other boat boys whizzed past us, yelling and screaming, we realised we were caught up in some local boat battles …. Eventually another fisherman came to our aid and our victim leapt into a somewhat more powerful boat who towed him ashore.  So back to our rude awakening …. and shifted anchor …had we rescued the wrong guy??  Whatever, it was time to make a hasty exit out of Clifton


So a quick sail around the headland into my (Ali’s) favourite anchorage, Chatham Bay.  Back to the peace and solitude, the diving pelicans, and a fantastic beach barbecue, and night of dancing, with our friends at Bollhead… see photos below.


On Wednesday 15th, we had a fantastic sail up to Canouan Island, where again we anchored in Charlestown Bay, right outside the Tamarind Hotel.  Carol treated me, and herself, to the most wonderful massage in the hotel.  It was the most relaxing and luxurious experience, and so appreciated after 8 months at sea.  We laughed as we remembered the last time we had a massage together – in somewhat less lush surroundings –  in a Mongolian yurt, after a gruelling camel and horse trek across the Gobi Desert four years ago!  On Thursday we toured the island and marvelled at the most beautiful reefs and deserted bays on the eastern side of the island, and have decided that today is the day to eyeball navigate and worm our way through the reefs, and anchor on that side…




Writer’s block – Carol experiencing the hardship of blog updating…



Talulah in Chatham Bay, Union Island



Pelicans taking a break….. A wonderful bird is a pelican, its beak can hold more than its belly can….



Carol, Andell, Ardele, Ali & Jeff, at Bollheads, Chatham Bay



Check out the generator-powered speakers behind “Oldun” (on right) – there is no water, electricity or roads down to Chatham