Hopefully on our way.

Off again
Fri 1 May 2009 13:46
1st May
After being put back in the water and refuelling we decided to have a leaving drink and meal ashore with our friends from 'Jade'.
The next day we were up slightly later than planned and so have decided to leave early on the 2nd.Just as well as the weather has decided to turn against us again with some showers and 2m swells out to sea,hopefully they will have subsided by tomorrow.Our plan will be to travel up to Torrevieja and anchor in the bay where it is hoped our friend Gill will be able to visit for a drink aboard before we depart towards the Balearics, weather permitting.We have decided this year that we will not do a great deal of planning and just wait and see what the weather holds in store for us and sail as and when we can!! Hopefully then plans wont be ruined and the disappointment not so great!!