passge Cefalu

Off again
Sat 28 Aug 2010 18:20
38:10.945.N 13:04.736E
Sailed to yet another lovely anchorage only spoilt by the numerous small pleasure craft bouncing around us, we seem to be something of a novelty being the only non Italian boat here.Good anchorage with mostly sand and some rock.
Went ashore with girls to find supermarket and if any internet cafes in the area.Italians it seems are not big on WIFI zones or internet cafes and we have found a very limited service around this northern coastline,hence the delay in posting our Blogg!
Had to walk a couple of miles to find a grocery store as we really seem to be in the Italian" Bournemouth "or its equivalent and no internet cafe anywhere.Girls went ashore again in the evening to sample the local night life.
22nd Moving on again to Cefalou
Not as easy as we thought it would be as our anchor had yet again caught itself between two rock plates,luckily we were not anchored it too deep water and Samantha  Action Girl that she is was able to freedive the 8metres to shake the anchor free.
Eventually arrived after motor sailing, as no wind and what wind we had was on the nose, in the lovely anchorage of Cefalou.Quite breath taking views with fabulous turquoise waters.Cefalou is locally known as " the land of Giants".According to Mythology ,Hercules came to build a temple to Jupiter and Daphne is still here,imprisoned in the rock into which she was transformed.Looking at this rocky coastline I wonder which rock it is supposed to be?
Lots of caves so good diving.  Swimming around the boat is quite strange as there are lots of thermoclines, areas of very cold water on the surface and warm water below, this is due as I am told by Chance due to the many caves found in the area and the warmth is due to the level of Sulphur,we have such a clever daughter!!
All went ashore that evening to a small restaurant on the beach,Samantha treated us to our first Italian meal out and it was quite delicious.
The next day we went for a wander into town to check out where we could buy camping gaz and the girls were in need of retail therapy!!!
The girls described this place as paradise with all its very rustic cobbled streets and Medieval castles.
Actually found an internet cafe but not as we know them, firstly quite a classy joint with stylish decor and only two plasma screens,no downloading available and no using personal memory sticks.Well better than nothing and at least able to check e-mails had a very expensive couple of drinks in order to use the internet facilities but it was such a nice setting and they had what looked like a great menu with Truffles, so we are eating here this evening.Really becoming "landlubbers" as two nights out on the trot and again Samantha invited us to this venue!!!
All in all its is a great place for the girls to finish their holiday and convenient as they can catch the train to Palermo Airport from here.
25th August
We all had a final swim to the rocks and the girls decided to climb to the top a see what the view was like from the other side.I went back to sort out lunch before their departure as they are both now dragging their heels.
Walked the girls to the station and said our farewells,will miss Samantha but it will be nice to get some order on the boat again!!!