Thailand to Maldives Wednesday 16th February

Hugh and Annie
Wed 16 Feb 2022 07:14
05:40.46N 084:43.88E Tuesday was a red letter day for Vega. Our distance over 24hrs was 162nm, a record! This despite having two reefs in the mainsail to keep speed and hence comfort at acceptable levels! Maybe the big genoa is proving a success. Yesterday afternoon I discovered that if I put my finger against the mast heel I can feel a small rocking albeit nothing like that experienced before tightening the cap shrouds. Maybe a further half turn of the bottle screws is required. Maybe a small amount of movement is normal. I am reluctant to go on tightening one set of shrouds without understanding the effect on the rest of the rig. Unfortunately the rigger is not responding to my messages. Yesterday evening we worked out that the lack of AIS targets showing on the plotter was not a lack of targets. It was the AIS not being displayed by the plotter. It was working perfectly in Thailand but now…….. nothing! This was the eve of crossing one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world so we again thought someone or something is conspiring against us. As it happens we determined that the AI unit itself is working and we can pick it up on our iPads from its wifi output. Even the plotter indicates it has a strong connection but it just will not display it. So, iPads in hand we crossed this morning and it was easy. We called up one ship nd determined that the radio is working and the AIS transmitting! |