Antigua - Jolly Harbour

Hugh and Annie
Mon 25 Jan 2016 01:25
17:03.9N 61:53.1W
After 20 days at sea we have arrived! Not the fastest crossing but not typical weather either.
The first thing we have noticed here is how warm and humid it is - very different from Cape Verde and the eastern side of the Atlantic where it is so hot and dry. We have had two heavy rain showers already. And, more importantly, the first hot shower for a long time.
Customs, immigration and port authority are conveniently sited as three adjacent rooms in a harbourside building with its own jetty. After a round of musical chairs between the rooms we headed across the the marina which is reminiscent of Seattle with lots of waterside apartments, each with its own jetty. Not that we have ever been to Seattle but we did watch Sleepless in Seattle.
We are so looking forward to a full night’s sleep. The boat is eerily still and it will be wonderful not to be alert to every change in motion and sound.
More of an update with photos to follow after we have slept…………………..