Grey Arrival

Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Sat 14 Jul 2012 07:57
We arrived at Nab Tower Pilot Station at 0415 on Friday morning with the 2 other Queens of the Cunard Line both 15 mins each ahead of us, the Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Victoria. As we headed into the dock most people came out on deck to watch, it was very cold – only 15C, but just so grey – that is what we really notice, how grey the light is, no brilliant Caribbean Blue. Then it was arrival at the grottiest, dirtiest and most untidy dock ever – The Queen Elizabeth 2 Terminal in Southampton – what a welcome home for us and a what an impression it must make on others disembarking.
Anyway, signing off until we go back to the Caribbean, except to say that we have bought a new toy – so will blog to tell you about that later
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Victoria