Simpson's Bay Graveyard
Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Sat 26 May 2012 15:15
I like this place, it’s got good chandleries, Budget Marine and Island
Water World, and has dozens of companies that can, and do, fix any boat
Initially Suzanne wasn’t sure as Simpson Bay was full of what she called
“losers” and she’s right. Guys that got this far after running away from their
Bank Manager, Taxman or an ex-wife and alimony payments, meant to fix their
boat, but got stuck and both they and their boat rotted away and died. She
doesn’t like to see boats neglected and unloved – such a sailor my wife.
The first couple of images are of Mike’s “Shrimpy” place who runs the net
on CH14 at 0730 each morning and is the guy to see about who, what and where to
get things fixed, but there are a lot of boat graveyards here