My Birthday - a milestone in Senegal
What a place to have a birthday, I will remember the whole experience
as it was wonderful, the whole trip is a life changing experience. Thank you so much for all your cards, messages and
presents. It was lovely to receive all these as I miss you all very much. Well, I had a lovely day, it started very early at 7am, as
we had to catch the Navette boat taxi ashore. We were booked on a trip to
see the Pink lake and have lunch. When I arrived on shore everyone sang me
happy birthday in French, then they sang it again in English when I got on the
mini bus. Hollie& Di I wore my birthday badge all day…. We visited the Salt Lake, then a village where I bought a
wooden Giraffe for the boat and to put money into the village. They
showed us their huts and food huts, very basic, 9 to a room. Then we went across
the sand dunes and raced along the beach in the 4 x 4 ‘s We had races along the beach in the 4x4’s Fabulous… Lunch with everyone We had live music, where they sang to me and Amina as it was
her birthday as well. Then it was back to the hotel, where David had booked me a
session with the hairdresser, and I also had the toes and nails done. Candle blowing with Priscill, Gabriel & Guinel A BBQ to finish a wonderful day on the back of African Sea
Wing, with Martha & Frank, Sue & Lambert, Phil & Norma, James,
David & Malcolm Thanks everyone for a BRILLIANT DAY!!!! Love to you all Suzanne