Gran Canaria in Technicolour

Suzie Too - Western Caribbean
David & Suzanne Chappell
Fri 29 Oct 2010 13:26
This is where all our sailing started, in December 2002, we came down and
did our Incontinent Crew with Sunsail at Puerto Morgan, well we did have an
ex Royal Marine onboard who was doing his Dazed Kipper and I seem to
remember we were pissed every night. We had 3 boats, ended up racing them,
having lots of fun and on Christmas Day it was 33C as we dived into the
water at 25C - pretty good.

Then we came back here in Nov 2005 to see the ARC go out and helped 2 boats,
Mercury Rising and Kotari, from Gosport, provision then listened to talks by
Jimmy Cornell to plan our next boat and new voyages outside the English
Channel. On our return we bought the Moody 49, got her fully loaded to Blue
Water specification and our Blue Water adventures began.

Now 5 years later we are back here with our new 57 and have had the final
few issues fixed by 2 teams of Ancasta engineers and are ready for our next
Transat which will be from Tenerife to Barbados, well that's the current
idea - but who knows where we will leave form or arrive at - this is sailing
and not always under our control. It might be form La Gomera via the Cape
Verde islands - but hey - who knows - we don't.



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