Mooring Notes from The Skipper
Some more thought on cruising I had never thought of anchors as consumable items, but
we’ve been getting worried recently. We anchored of the beach in Santa
Uxia de Ribiera in 10m of water and laid out 50m chain – well it’s
no good in the anchor locker. We were a bit worried about it holding, but there
was no wind forecast, so we set the anchor alarm and settled in. The next day the GRIB files showed a F6/7 coming through
overnight from SW so we decided, after a trip into town in the RIB, to move
into a marina at Parbo do Cariminal. As we got into shore to leave the RIB
there was a local guy who was rather distressed and said he found a small dog
drowned with a rope and stone tied around it’s neck and was trying to
remove it before all the kids in the sailing school saw it. Anyway a bit of a wander around and back to the anchorage to
weigh anchor and move on – but again the windlass complained – I
had dug it in pretty well as there were some granite rocks around (just like
the Baltic days) and in the end had to drive the boat around the anchor pulling
in different directions to finally break it free before it came up clear. Oddly there were 3 divers in the bay with us, but by the
time we were ready to move they had gone, otherwise we could have given them 20
Euros to help break it out. Now our plan is to use the anchor buoy I bought as
a tripping line – (see piccie) – this has a reel on a spring that
runs to 16m so will always sit over the top of the anchor clipped to the bar at
the back of the Delta. It has a shackle on the top, so we can retrieve it and I
have put “Suzie Too” on it so some twit doesn’t think –
“Oh, that’s handy a mooring buoy” It really is very pretty down here and great sailing, even
today after some rain and wind last night we still have 27 deg in the cockpit
and still in shorts and t shirts. Suzanne has done her washing – not sure
it’s allowed on a Sunday. Then next week we are planning to go to
Santiago de Compestella with all the old people – so we will be wearing
our Beige Outfits and revert to our “Albert & Elsie” names to
blend in with the coach parties. Apparently St James the Great (one of the Gang of 12) rocked
up here to preach and popped his clogs, they kept his bones and then lost them
but they mysteriously turned up years later and they put them in the Cathedral
and now make all the poor people walk there and give the Church money –
even the Vatican doesn’t recognise the authenticity of the Relics. But
anyway no point in sailing past the front door without popping in for a
touristy look around. Best Regards David David Chappell Moody 49
"Suzie Too" Mob: 07770 525060 MMSI: 235 035 087 Iridium: 0088 1631 570486 Web: Currently – Pabro do |